Event details

2022-11-30 14:00:00
2022-11-30 15:00:00

In partnership with:

Webinar description:

Defined benefit, defined contribution and master trust schemes are facing a wide range of investment challenges at the current time, not least when it comes to TCFD reporting, ESG, illiquid investing and value-for-money assessments.

In this webinar we’ll talk you through some of the ways in which investment only platforms have supported trustees and their advisors to address these challenges and effectively manage change over the past 12 months. We’ll also look at how they can provide access to new investment opportunities and meet the future needs of occupational pension schemes.


Jonathan Stapleton

Jonathan Stapleton

Editor, Professional Pensions

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Jonathan is editor of Professional Pensions and has been reporting on UK occupational pensions since 2001. He has won a number of awards during his career, most recently the SPP Trade Journalist of the Year Award in 2019. He is also holder of the PMI's Retirement Provision Certificate.

Jess Williams

Jess Williams

Head of Phoenix CIS

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Jess leads the Phoenix Corporate Investment Services business and the distribution, marketing and reporting arm of our investment-only platform. She's responsible for our strategic direction and oversees propositional and service enhancements, and works closely with clients and employee benefit consultants to ensure we continue to meet your ongoing needs.

Nick Trinder

Nick Trinder

Relationship Manager, Phoenix CIS

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Having been with our investment-only platform business for 13 years, Nick has plenty of hands-on expertise in implementing high profile schemes. His success comes from his ability to work closely with clients to understand what they need, then use his in-depth market and technical knowledge to deliver successful solutions.

Philip Smith

Philip Smith

DC Director

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Philip Smith joined TPT Retirement Solutions in February 2020. He has over 25 years experience in the defined contribution (DC) pension industry.

Prior to joining TPT, Philip held leadership positions in the DC pension consulting team at PwC and at Buck Consultants where he was responsible for their DC consulting and private wealth business across the UK.

Philip’s broad industry experience includes working with a diverse range of private, central government and third sector clients, both in the UK and overseas, as well as running the marketing function in a large national pension advisory firm. He has worked extensively in the DC master trust area with a focus on authorisation, supervision and proposition development.

Philip is responsible for leading TPT’s DC business including strategy and proposition development.



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