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Webinar Description: 

The diversification and cashflow-matching characteristics benefits of real assets are well known. And, with bond yields likely to remain compressed into the future, it is understandable that pension scheme investors will continue to look to the asset class for positive returns.

Another trend in real assets is the growing influence of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors – and there is an increasing argument that integrating ESG into real asset portfolios is easier as investors are able to exert more influence over decision-making.

These trends are all positive for real assets, but the sector is not without its challenges. With new entrants coming to the party and existing investors increasing their allocations, there is a risk of overcrowding – and rising prices - in parts of the market; while liquidity and the speed of deployment also are a concern for some.

This webinar looks at some of these issues – assessing the cashflow matching attributes of real assets, examining how ESG can be integrated into this asset class and also looking to address some of the concerns investors have about the asset class.



Jonathan Stapleton

Editor-in-chief, Professional Pensions

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Jonathan is editor-in-chief of Professional Pensions and has been reporting on UK occupational pensions since 2001.

He was named IA Pensions Journalist of the Year in 2015, SPP Journalist of the Year in 2014 and 2011 and is holder of the PMI's Retirement Provision Certificate.


Mark Versey

Chief investment officer of real assets at Aviva Investors

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